How It WORX … Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding

How It WORX … Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding

You have probably heard lots about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, but you may be unsure of how the two concepts are different, yet actually work towards similar ends, and what type of results you can expect for business. What better way to show you this than by covering a few case studies and sharing the success stories.

Businesses are coming to realize how crowdfunding can benefit them and those they serve, yet, there is still a lot of uncertainty as to how. Over the … Continue Reading –>

Discover the Amazing History of Crowdfunding

To understand the history of Crowdfunding, one must first know what it is. So, here is a recap of a trend in financing that, thanks to the internet, has and is continuing to take the world (especially business world) by storm. Crowdfunding is basically a way that people, groups and companies can gather funding to launch a project without having to go the traditional routes of getting loans or investors.  It basically  means Continue Reading –>

4 Things to Get Started with Crowdfunding

Getting started with crowdfunding is simple, but not as easy as some may think. It requires a bit of work and one important thing to start, research. This blog will give you 4 things to research to get started, all of which are a part of the bigger plan strategy for your campaign. [1]  Do your research to understand crowdfunding and what makes it such a huge opportunity for small business. Find out who has successfully done what you want to do and hack it to find out what they did. –>Continue Reading